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Holds information about the source of our data.
Defined in: jquery.tabulate.js.

Namespace Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Contains data sources to work upon.
Namespace Detail
Contains data sources to work upon.

Data sources are defined as a key/value pair within the source object. The following are valid data sources:

  • json - Pure JSON data. Example:
    { count: 1234, some_other_data: "data", more_custom_data: "not needed by tabulate", rows: [ { "col1": "row 1 column 1 data", "col2": "row 1 column 2 data", "col3": "row 1 column 3 data" } ... { "col1": "row 50 column 1 data", "col2": "row 50 column 2 data", "col3": "row 50 column 3 data" } ] }
  • ajax - A jQuery.ajax request object.

    These settings that will be passed into the native jQuery.ajax function. Any of the options available to that function may be used here, with the exception of the "success" and "error" functions, which are overridden internally. Example:
    { url: "/path/to/controller", data: { method: "some_method" }, dataType: "json" }

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