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Paths is a free, open source, browser-based daily word puzzle game where the central concept is the creation of a non-overlapping path through a grid of letters by spelling words. Each path is generated randomly with an algorithm that ensures the grid can be completely filled.

How To Play

Using the generated grid of letters, your goal is to create a non-overlapping "path" through the grid by spelling words. Words can be spelled forwards or backwards. For example, "BELL" or "LLEB". Each word must start or end on a letter adjacent to the last letter of the previous word (the anchoring letter). That letter will be marked on the grid with a dashed border. Additionally, the first letter of the first word will be marked on the grid with a solid border. You can see an example of this above, where the word "PATHS" was spelled in the grid. The first letter being "P" and the last letter being "S".

Letters can be selected by either tapping on them one-by-one or by pressing and then sliding across several letters. When selecting one-by-one, the selection can be submitted by re-tapping the final selected letter. When pressing and sliding across several letters, the selection will be submitted automatically when you stop pressing.

The area directly beneath the grid will display your current letter selection. When a word is valid for submission, it will turn green. Note that if the word you spell is not anchored to the existing path as described above, it will not be considered valid.

As you play, you may find it helpful to expand the drawer beneath the grid by tapping on the arrow (expand_more). This is where you can get more detailed information on your progress as well as where you can adjust game settings.

Paths has two game modes. By default, you will be playing in Challenge mode. You can change the game mode in the game settings section of the drawer.

Challenge Mode (Default)

In Challenge mode, the goal is to try to get the highest score possible. As previously mentioned, the grid is generated in such a way that it can be fully filled, however, it may require swapping one or more letters in order to do so. Unlike Pathfinder mode, there is no one set path, and there are no hints. You can create whatever path through the grid you like.

Hidden Words

If you happen to spell one of the words used to generate the grid, or a "hidden" word, it will show up as a highlighted word in the list of spelled words and count towards the "Hidden Words Found" statistic. If the path of the word on the grid is the same as the path used during grid generation, the word will also be highlighted on the grid itself, denoting that the placement of that word on the grid is optimal, as it does not overlap with any other hidden words.

Swapping Letters

Letters can be swapped by tapping twice on a single letter, and then tapping on another letter to complete the swap. Swapped letters will have a purple background color. A single letter can only be swapped once. Swapped letters are excluded when calculating the score for a word, unless that word happens to be a "hidden" word, in which case any swapped letters will be treated as un-swapped letters.


A word will be scored after it is validated. To be considered valid, a word must be at least three letters long and must be contained in the dictionary. Validated words are awarded points based on the letters they contain as well as a bonus multiplier for meeting certain word length thresholds. Any swapped letters in a word are awarded 0 points and are excluded from word length calculations.

Letters are awarded points based on their frequency of usage. The following list shows the points awarded for each letter:

  • 1 Point:a, e, t
  • 2 Points:d, h, i, l, n, o, r, s
  • 3 Points:b, c, f, g, m, p, u, w, y
  • 4 Points:k, v
  • 5 Points:j, x
  • 6 Points:q, z

Words are awarded a bonus multiplier based on their length. The multiplier is calculated by taking the length of the word, subtracting any swapped letters, and then dividing by the grid size multiplier, rounded down to the nearest integer. The grid size multiplier is calculated by dividing the grid width by two, also rounded down to the nearest integer. The standard grid size multipliers are listed below:

  • 5x5 = 2
  • 7x7 = 3
  • 9x9 = 4

Additionally, filling out the entire grid will award one point for every letter on the grid. For example, if you fill out an entire 5x5 grid, you will be awarded an additional 25 points.

Some scoring examples are shown below. All of these scoring examples are for 5x5 grids.

  • This word is worth 4 points. Note that the middle E has been swapped.

    • Letters: B(3) + E(0) + E(1) = 4
    • Multiplier: (3 - 1) / 2 = 1
    • Result: 4 * 1 = 4

    Note that if this word had been a "secret" word, it would have been worth 5 points, since the swapped middle E would be included in the score.

  • This word is worth 36 points.

    • Letters: P(3) + E(1) + O(2) + P(3) + L(2) + E(1) = 12
    • Multiplier: 6 / 2 = 3
    • Result: 12 * 3 = 36
Pathfinder Mode

In Pathfinder mode, the goal is to figure out the hidden words that comprise the path through the grid, starting at the beginning of the path and working your way to the end. Each path is randomly generated and unique, as are the words that comprise them. Unlike Challenge mode, there is only a single set path and solution per puzzle.

The grid will begin with the first letter of the first word revealed. Using that letter, you can try to guess the word that it belongs to. Each incorrect guess will reveal any letters that are shared between your guess and that hidden word. Each subsequent guess must use all of the previously revealed letters. As you guess, pay attention to the indicators displayed next to the words as you select them. These will tell you about the length of your guess in comparison to the hidden word:

  • > - the hidden word is longer than your guess
  • < - the hidden word is shorter than your guess
  • = - the hidden word is the same length as your guess

If you get stuck, you can tap the hint (help) button, which will reveal the next unrevealed letter in the hidden word. If the hint button is disabled, that means you have already revealed all letters of the hidden word.

Thanks for playing. If you're enjoying the game, please consider sharing it with others.